Garlic, onions and other vegetables
with the best quality
from Spain

Mafresh Growers

The exceptional Spanish weather let us export garlic, onions and other vegetables with the best quality all year round.

Mafresh Growers is a Spanish company that export garlic, onions and other vegetables from Spain, which is a country with an exceptional climate. It guarantees the ideal quality during the whole year.

Our company is located in Valencia and Las Pedroñeras from where we can offer you a wide range of fresh products directly from the field, offering always to our customers the best quality and prices from the Spanish market.

Garlic from Las Pedroñeras, the best garlic in the world

Mafresh Growers can supply Garlic from Las Pedroñeras, recognized it like the best garlic in the world during the whole year. We work with all types of sizes, varieties and formats.

Purple garlic / White / Violet Spring / White Spring / Black garlic


Spanish Onions

Spanish onion is a special product because it´s flavor is sweeter and more intensive than the other onions. We work with “grano de oro”, “red onion” and “white onion”. The “red onion“ variety is special because of it´s low acidity and big levels of sugar. We have onions all year.

White onion / Purple onion / Sweet onion / Yellow onion


Spain is an important producer of citrus worldwide, highly valued for the high quality of our products, for its intrinsic characteristics (aroma, flavor, texture, juiciness, balance, etc.) and extrinsic (coloring, size, uniformity, etc). We offer Mandarins, Clementines, Oranges, Grapefruits and Lemons.

Varieties Mandarins – Clemenules
Okitsu / Marisol /Clemenules / Clemenvillas / Ortanique / Nadarcott

Varieties Oranges

Navelina / Navel / Navel – Lane Late / Navel Powell / Salustiana / Valencia Late

Varieties Lemons
Primafiori / Verna


Mafresh Growers work with a big number of specialized warehouses from Almeria and Murcia, so we always can provide to our clients the best fresh products when North Europe is out of stock.

Tomato / Cucumber / Pimiento / Eggplant/ Zucchini / Leek / Lettuce / Jewish / Broccoli / Cauliflower / Asparagus


















Mafresh Growers

Direct quality from the selected Spanish fields.

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C/ Camí Fondo, 2-2
46138 Rafelbunyol (Valencia)

+34 675 976 548
+34 654 633 732

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